6 Couple Resolutions That Will Strengthen Your Relationship in 2020
The new year is exciting for most of us. If you’re like thousands of others, you’ve set goals to get in shape, begin a new diet, or try a...

7 Times Your Spouse Needs Extra TLC
Studies have revealed time and time again that one of the primary benefits of being married is having a partner you can rely on for...

Is the White House News Making You and Your Relationship Sick?
U.S politics has never been as divisive and labile as it has within recent years. All signs currently suggest that this will continue as...

Love Making Starts Outside the Bedroom
When one partner begins blaming the other in the bedroom or withdraws from intimacy, very rarely do couples look at what is going on...

Relearning How to Love Your Marriage When the Last Kid is Gone
Divorce has gone down, except in one category. That category is empty-nesters. It’s common for couples to experience anxiety prior to...

Is your relationship problem sleeping next to you?
I was recently asked to contribute to an article for the New York Times about whether or not spouses should sleep in the same bed....

Do You Know Your Relationship Bill of Rights?
A big, common problem I see with my clients is the misunderstanding of what it means to be married. There is more time spent planning the...

6 Everyday Things You Do That Ruin Your Relationship
When couples split up, everyone wants to know what happened. Friends close to the couple may say, “I thought they were so happy...

5 Warning Signs Your Marriage Needs Attention
There is no perfect marriage and all marriages need constant attention to keep them vibrant and alive. Years of working with couples has...

Divorce Rates at an All-Time Low…Unless You’re Over 55
It seems ironic, but for the first time in marriage history, your risk for divorce is higher as you age. This is especially true if...