Feeling Lonely in Your Marriage Since the Pandemic
A recent study released by Indiana University’s School of Public Health shows that many married couples feel lonelier and experience less...

Adult Temper Tantrums: A Lingering Effect of Post Pandemic Stress
You expect outbursts of uncontrolled behavior from a two-year-old, but when the person screaming is your partner, it adds a whole new...

5 Signs of Emotional Abuse
Every day it seems as though a woman is found missing and the boyfriend is a prime suspect. The latest victim is Gabby Petito. The...

Preventing Instagram’s Damaging Effects on Your Teen's Body Image
Over the last three years, Facebook has conducted internal studies on how Instagram affects millions of users. Repeatedly they found it...

Re-Charging Your Brain as the Pandemic Continues into Fall
We told ourselves that we just had to get through 2020 with COVID-19. However, in 2021, we’ve found the situation staying stagnant or...

Should you quit your job for your mental health?
There have been numerous employment changes since the pandemic. Many companies are short staffed and struggling with the amount of work...