Is your relationship depleting you?
In a healthy relationship, you want to be a better version of yourself. Relationships help you learn how to share, think of someone else...

6 Couple Resolutions That Will Strengthen Your Relationship in 2020
The new year is exciting for most of us. If you’re like thousands of others, you’ve set goals to get in shape, begin a new diet, or try a...

5 Signs You’re in a Band-Aid Relationship
Being single when you rather be with someone is difficult. Coupled friends may invite you to join them but it can leave you feeling like...

5 Warning Signs Your Marriage Needs Attention
There is no perfect marriage and all marriages need constant attention to keep them vibrant and alive. Years of working with couples has...

Why do good people stay in bad relationships?
As a clinical psychotherapist, I see couples who do not belong together. There are individuals who tolerate being screamed at or insulted...

When Burnout Hits Your Bedroom
Are you feeling as though there is less and less time to complete your to-do list? You try to make a doctor’s appointment for an annual...

Are you trying to outsource your relationship?
When we hear the word outsourcing, we usually think about business practices. If a business doesn’t have the specialists it needs to do a...

Relationship Survival Tips for Workaholics
No matter how long you’ve been with your partner or how secure you are in your relationship, excessive work takes a toll on your...

4 Things Men Wish They Could Change About Women
Many men worry about their wives or spouses changing them, but rarely do they talk about trying to change their partner. That doesn’t...

4 Romantic Gestures Your Partner Won’t Forget
The thought of re-sparking a relationship with romance always sounds good, but many feel too tired, overwhelmed, or stressed to even get...