Protecting Your Relationship from Daylight Savings
If you’re still yawning by lunchtime, you could be struggling with the effects of daylight savings. Even a small loss of sleep when the clocks spring forward can make you more irritability or quick to anger. There is research suggesting that when the time changes, the number of heart attacks and car accidents increases.
When you feel sleep-deprived, stress increases and can get passed to your partner. You may become more impulsive and frustrated, saying something hurtful or callous before thinking about it. If you’re feeling exhausted from the recent time change, consider these suggestions to protect your relationship.
1. Ease into the time change. Practice being more patient with each other, especially the first 3 weeks after the time change. When both partners are feeling sleep deprived and irritable, small things are blown out of proportion.
2. Take naps every chance you get. Giving yourself time and permission to nap, can make a huge difference. It’s even better if you can catch a nap together enjoying snuggle time and shared intimacy
3. Get out in the sunlight early and keep the lights dimmer at night. We often forget that date mornings can be as romantic and sexy as date nights. The sunlight helps reset our circadian rhythms. Keeping the lights dimmer in the evenings sets a romantic, intimate atmosphere and helps you sleep better.
4. Embrace each other’s differences. No two couples have the same sleep schedule; respecting each other’s need for sleep and accepting your differences helps minimize conflict.
Anything that affects you affects how you are in a relationship. If you’re struggling with the recent time change, how you react to your partner’s needs determines the health of your relationship. Acknowledging each other’s sleep needs and doing what you can to share the load benefits you both.