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G-Rated Expressions of Intimacy in Quarantine

Most of the United States has been ordered to stay home to helps save lives from Covid-19. You’re working from home, teaching your children from home, making and sharing meals at home and surrounded by each other 24/7. Nerves are getting frazzled and we hear more about the progression and destruction Covid 19 is causing all over the world.

The situation has intensified stress overall and what happens in the world is usually felt at home. It’s common and predictable that you will take out your frustrations on your partner. This would not normally hurt your marriage because marriages expect to have ups and downs. But when you’re living in close quarters with grown children, small children, grandparents, or whoever is in your quarantine with you, there is little chance of shared intimacy between the two of you.

In order to stay strong and resilient in your marriage during this difficult time of being shut in, it’s important that you reach out daily and show your partner you still adore, desire and appreciate them. That isn’t easy with others in the home; libido typically decreases with additional stress. However, I have suggestions for G-rated expressions of intimacy that will boost your partner’s connection and help you both feel loved.

  1. Smile when your partner walks into the room. Put down whatever you’re working on and devote all your attention on to them.

  2. Watch a movie together on your laptop after a busy workday. The closeness n proximity helps create an intimate atmosphere where the rest of the world is kept out.

  3. Compliment your partner about the way they look or smell. This makes your partner feel more confident and special.

  4. Share funny stories, quotes or articles and laugh with your partner. Sharing humor with someone you love increases desire.

  5. Talk well of your partner to others. No matter where you are, on the phone, internet meet ups or during Covid 19 safely spaced lawn get togethers, talking about how wonderful your partner is boosts affection and connection. Kids benefit emotionally feeling more secure and loved when they hear parents talk well of each.

The restrictions placed on us during Covid 19 will eventually lift and life will resume as we’ve known it. Part of a healthy relationship is facing the challenge together and making adjustments that work within your family while allowing the two of you to stay emotionally and physically connected. G-rated signs of affection are exclusive and remind your partner they are loved by you.

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