When couples lose desire or interest in their partner, they often blame the problem on less action in the bedroom. That may be part of the problem, but the issue is usually more complex. Sex is only one of 6 areas of intimacy, and intimacy (not sex) is the glue of a long and happy relationship.
This 2 part, 6 page PDF assignment is designed for the participation of both partners.
- Section I is about evaluating the state of intimacy in your relationship.
- Section II is about discussing the evaluation in Section I and then learning how to deepen the intimacy by tailoring an action plan for your relationship.
This assignment pairs well with the following Reaction Reset videos:
-5 Types of Intimacy BESIDES Sex: https://youtu.be/yyx_klepotk
-Is Your Partner a Teammate or a Rival: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1naUufrk2qo
Investing in the 6 Types of Intimacy